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    Free lunch

    Greetings all,

    Today I was fortunate to get a free lunch just by being kilted. I met a couple of friends at this little cafe nearby, I have never been to it before. When we were seated and finished placing our order in walked a musician. He only saw the top half of me because like I say I was seated. It was a joy to hear him strum his guitar to none other than celtic airs, it was lovely. During some time between tunes as he was talking to the audience, he said that he always wanted to buy a man who wore a kilt who came to hear him lunch, but it had never happened so he figured that he was safe in saying that. About then half the people in the cafe were laughing, pointing or both at me, the poor musician did not know what was going on, I stood up and his mouth dropped. After a few moments he said that I was a first. He was true to his word he bought our whole table lunch. We did give him a very good tip, in fact we paid him what our lunch would have cost us and a little bit more. All in all it was fun for all of us.

    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  2. #2
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    It's amazing what people will do for someone in a kilt.

    Just before Christmas my wife and I were talking about DVD's to give. We go to another town (40 miles away) about 4 or 5 times a year because they have a variety of speciality stores we like. This one video store has a buy 10 DVD's and get 1 free (up to $40.00 value) which we had taken advantage of on several occassions. We went in and were looking around and the guy that manages the place (we had gotten to know him over the years and joke with him when we go in) looked up and saw me in a kilt. He came across the store and started talking. He asked about the kilt and he had the usual comments, most good but he was kind of shocked to have a guy in a kilt in the store.

    After talking a while he walked off and we went back looking around. About 5 minutes later he came over and gave me a full stamped card with a laugh saying that I deserved it.

    I didn't ask questions I just accepted it and thanked him. Yes, I still visit the store more than before and ALWAYS in a kilt. On one visit he asked if I knew anything about Utilikilts. I told him I had one and enjoyed it. He commented that after my visit he saw one and was thinking about getting one.

    You never know!


  3. #3
    Graham's Avatar
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    I dunno about you Glen, you seem to have the knack with the kilt, I don't know how you do it!
    Well done brother!, well done!

    You too Richard, great to hear these stories, I love 'em

  4. #4
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    You asked about my knack with the kilt, I'll just tell you that everytime I log on to this forum and see how many members this forum has (185 and growing) it really inspires me more than you know. I know that I am not alone! It shows me that what I am doing is a world wide movement, and I am just a little cog in the wheel within this great big thing that we call kilt wearing. To read what others have endured both good and bad just tells me that I have to keep on going. In fact this morning when I was getting dressed, I must confess that horrors of horrors I was thinking about wearing pants. I had not even logged on then I did, and all the talk here just gave me all sorts of good feelings, and then the kilt came on, along with a smile, joy, pride, and other positive feelings.

    So with that said if it were not for all you people, I would just be wearing a kilt for those events that come around once or twice a year. I give you all one great big THANK YOU

    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  5. #5
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    Glen, I've been in restaurants numerous times in a kilt and have never had anything like that happen. I'm just not trying hard enough!

  6. #6
    Graham's Avatar
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    Well put Glen, I can surely echo your thoughts. I guess there are not too many kilters in a big place like Denver.

    OT, but one of the top men in our church, Calvin Burrell, is moving from Houston to Denver shortly. He and his wife and brother and brother's wife were staying with us earlier this year.

    I was a little anxious about how he would respond to my kilt wearing, but like the true gentle-man he is, he was very gracious and accepting.

    So while he's not converted to kilts yet, he's had some tuition - so look out for him! He'll probably stop you in the street and say he knows a guy in Tasmania who wears kilts, then you can shock him by saying 'yeh, I know the guy'

    He might even buy you lunch

  7. #7
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    This is all stuff I love reading ..You are all an inspiration to me
    To-night I was thinking of going to my employers summer bash (A jeans and t-shirt affair).However I'm now no longer thinking about it .I'll wear the Kilt, and maybe take a stoll over to see "Troy" latter on.

    Thanks Lad's...

  8. #8
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    I often post a sign at the restaurant where I work that says "Free beer to anyone wearing a kilt." So far, I've given away beer only once, when my friend Lance came in. Most people who see the sign just chuckle a bit, but start to show more interest if they see that I'm wearing a kilt. I'm hoping to encourage my customers.

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    FREE BEER We'll be rushing your way soon.

  10. #10
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    Now I know where I'm having lunch next time I'm in Montana!

    That's a great way of promoting awareness of the kilt.

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