13th September 05, 05:19 PM
I just had to share this ...
On Tuesday morning, because it was such a perfect September day - warm sunshine, clear blue sky and no wind - I decided to take myself for a lengthy stroll along the famous seaside Promenade that runs for miles from one side of Brighton (here in Sussex) to the other. I stopped for coffee at a favourite kiosk ("The Meeting Place" - right on the Brighton/Hove border) and, several times, stopped to sit on one of the benches in the area to soak up the sun and to watch the world at leisure - dog walkers, swimmers, surfers, in-line bladers, kite flyers. You name it and it goes on down on the Prom.!
On the way back to my car (the Prom. is 19 miles from my home!), I was striding out, head held high, when someone approached me and spoke (apart from the lass who served my coffee, this was the first person to speak to me all day). "Exthcuse me Thir, but I just want to thay that I think you look tho thmart and really cool in your kilt - it ith a kilt I prethume?" I had not noticed him coming toward me - I think I was looking out to sea at the time, but I had not been aware of him. I stopped and turned to thank him - and it was Chris Eubank, the former World Champion Middleweight boxer!
He lives in Brighton, I knew that, and he is now something of an eccentric, usually dressed very expensively and, although over the top, quite stylishly - usually with a bowler hat and a cane! Although, as far as I know, he has not boxed for several years, Chris is often in the national news and appeared in Celebrity Big Brother about three years ago. Oh, and he is renowned for speaking with a lisp!!
Yesterday, he was dressed very smartly but in a plain black T-shirt and expensive black casual trousers.
I thanked him for his compliment and we chatted about kilts for several minutes - he showing genuine interest, to the point of his asking for details of my kiltmaker! Fortunately, I was (as usual) prepared and from my wallet produced a selection of relevant business cards which I passed over to him. I also recommended this forum but neither of us had anything to write with, so he might not have remembered the details. He thanked me for the information - again calling me "Thir"; we shook hands and went our separate ways.
So who knows, we might have a(nother) celebrity joining us shortly - Oh, behave!!**
What was I wearing? Oh, it was my dark blue denim 7 yarder from KiltStore.net, all freshly and crisply pressed, with a black belt but no sporran, beige polo shirt, beige folded down hose and black CAT boots. Really "cool"!!
(** With apologies to Freelander!)
[B][I][U]No. of Kilts[/U][/I][/B][I]:[/I] 102.[I] [B]"[U][B]Title[/B]"[/U][/B][/I]: Lord Hamish Bicknell, Laird of Lochaber / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Scottish Tartans Authority / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society / [U][I][B]Member:[/B][/I][/U] The Ardbeg Committee / [I][B][U]My NEW Photo Album[/U]: [/B][/I][COLOR=purple]Sadly, and with great regret, it seems my extensive and comprehensive album may now have been lost forever![/COLOR]/
13th September 05, 06:16 PM
Great story!!
But for a minute there I thought you were going to say Mike Tyson!
blu :-)
13th September 05, 07:27 PM
spent some of a summer in Brighton, quite the place, my dad's favourite place in the world. he recognized all the places on the Quadraphenia photo album. Do they still have the cherry sellers there? I've never heard anybody as loud as that since.
I was actually thinking of Brighton yesterday while reading some of the remarks about moderators, I was thinking of the mods and rockers battles on Brighton beach.
13th September 05, 07:49 PM
You are the man! With such dignity and class (as always) you are a great ambassador to the wearing of the kilt!
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
13th September 05, 08:47 PM
What a story! I can jsut visualise you walking along Brighton prom, wish i could have been there!
Glad the boxer liked the kilt, wouldn't argue with him if he didn't like it :mrgreen:
Hamish, did I tell you that on the way home from our meeting in London I met one of the actors from Monarch?
Don't know his name, he was the bank employee who came to close Glenbogal and ended up staying there.
We only passed on the station platform, he noticed my kilt, I recognised him, no words exchanged but I did wonder if the kilt reminded him of Duncan (Hamish Clark).
(Had to throw my own celebrity story in) ;-)
14th September 05, 04:34 AM
 Originally Posted by Hamish
On Tuesday morning, because it was such a perfect September day - warm sunshine, clear blue sky and no wind - I decided to take myself for a lengthy stroll along the famous seaside Promenade that runs for miles from one side of Brighton (here in Sussex) to the other. I stopped for coffee at a favourite kiosk ("The Meeting Place" - right on the Brighton/Hove border) and, several times, stopped to sit on one of the benches in the area to soak up the sun and to watch the world at leisure - dog walkers, swimmers, surfers, in-line bladers, kite flyers. You name it and it goes on down on the Prom.!
On the way back to my car (the Prom. is 19 miles from my home!), I was striding out, head held high, when someone approached me and spoke (apart from the lass who served my coffee, this was the first person to speak to me all day). "Exthcuse me Thir, but I just want to thay that I think you look tho thmart and really cool in your kilt - it ith a kilt I prethume?" I had not noticed him coming toward me - I think I was looking out to sea at the time, but I had not been aware of him. I stopped and turned to thank him - and it was Chris Eubank, the former World Champion Middleweight boxer!
He lives in Brighton, I knew that, and he is now something of an eccentric, usually dressed very expensively and, although over the top, quite stylishly - usually with a bowler hat and a cane! Although, as far as I know, he has not boxed for several years, Chris is often in the national news and appeared in Celebrity Big Brother about three years ago. Oh, and he is renowned for speaking with a lisp!!
Yesterday, he was dressed very smartly but in a plain black T-shirt and expensive black casual trousers.
I thanked him for his compliment and we chatted about kilts for several minutes - he showing genuine interest, to the point of his asking for details of my kiltmaker! Fortunately, I was (as usual) prepared and from my wallet produced a selection of relevant business cards which I passed over to him. I also recommended this forum but neither of us had anything to write with, so he might not have remembered the details. He thanked me for the information - again calling me "Thir"; we shook hands and went our separate ways.
So who knows, we might have a(nother) celebrity joining us shortly - Oh, behave!!**
What was I wearing? Oh, it was my dark blue denim 7 yarder from KiltStore.net, all freshly and crisply pressed, with a black belt but no sporran, beige polo shirt, beige folded down hose and black CAT boots. Really "cool"!!
(** With apologies to Freelander!)
Hamish I think this is just excellent, he is afterall a gentleman.
Question did you give him the Xmarks web address to visit?
Just think when you next see Chris he could very well be in a kilt.
You are truly a ambassador for the wearing of the kilt.
14th September 05, 05:24 AM
 Originally Posted by Hamish
I also recommended this forum but neither of us had anything to write with, so he might not have remembered the details.
There ya go, Ranald ;)
14th September 05, 05:49 AM
Hello Ham .. what a great meeting. I hope your not going to start any fights now when you come to Wales?
A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer
14th September 05, 06:11 AM
 Originally Posted by Graham
What a story! I can jsut visualise you walking along Brighton prom, wish i could have been there!
Glad the boxer liked the kilt, wouldn't argue with him if he didn't like it :mrgreen:
Hamish, did I tell you that on the way home from our meeting in London I met one of the actors from Monarch?
Don't know his name, he was the bank employee who came to close Glenbogle and ended up staying there.
We only passed on the station platform, he noticed my kilt, I recognised him, no words exchanged but I did wonder if the kilt reminded him of Duncan (Hamish Clark).
(Had to throw my own celebrity story in) ;-)
Graham -- Do you mean Mr. Lancelot Fleming, the one who was wooing Lexie? (and making Duncan green wi' envy!) ;)
14th September 05, 06:28 AM
Yes Todd, he was the one! I wish I'd time to speak with him. Never mind, he got to see that kilts are worn by people outside the MOTG set!
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