Past President, St. Andrew's Society of the Inland Northwest
Member, Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Founding Member, Celtic Music Spokane
Member, Royal Photographic Society
from the great state of Texas. Been reading and studing for some time and (with the wifes support) am about to order my first kilt. I have decided to go with a casual or Semi-Traditional Kilt from USA kilts. I will be calling Rocky any day now, as we are still deciding what tartan to go with. I've read a lot of reviews and spent a great deal of time on his site and feel pretty confident with my decision. I have a lot of questions, but will post them elsewhere on the forum. Just wanted to say Hi.....
Hello Brother Jon; There are several Masons on the board and I am sure you have already met some. I myself am a FC at Lodge 253 in Virginia. There are two Masonic tartans I have seen. An English Tartan, and an American tartan. If you check with Matt Newsome at the scottish Tartan museum, or look for his name on the member list, I am sure he will be glad to help you.
A late-greeting from one Brother of the Grand Lodge of Texas to another! I'm at Stanfield Lodge #217 in Denton. Looking forward to seeing your first kilt; do you plan on wearing it to your stated meetings?