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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticMead View Post
    congrats... I need to get more exercise... that'll help push me down a few more pounds..and now that my wife has decided that fresh made bread is better for us than store bought... it means a few more carbs added back into the diet...
    Just be sure to use lots of whole grain flour. Carbs are not the problem, and are necessary for health. However, refined carbs, including the standard white flour, act like sugar in the body.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  2. #42
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    Well, as of this morning, I've lost a total of 34 pounds.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChromeScholar View Post
    Well, as of this morning, I've lost a total of 34 pounds.

  4. #44
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    Common Sense

    I applaud all of your efforts, let me tell you, the one program that I have found that makes sense is Weight Watchers. All of the things you have mentioned here are part of their program and it works. I lost 50 lb.s last year and am keeping it off. It's a common sense program that works in the long term and is safe. Keep going all of you and remember..........nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
    Best of Luck,
    "The opposite of faith is not doubt. Doubt is central to faith. The opposite of faith is certainty."
    Ken Burns

  5. #45
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    I posted on this thread on August 15th that I was down 31 pounds. Well today I steped on the scale and I am at 48lbs lost! I can't belive I have lost so much so fast. My food intake prior must have been REALLY bad (it was). I am going to lose 100lbs total, so I am almost half way there. I have enjoyed all the support on this thread for us folks losing weight. It all helps.
    Last edited by Kiltferone; 24th September 07 at 10:52 AM. Reason: spelling

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChromeScholar View Post
    Did my weighing this morning. I'm down 30 pounds! All from eating less and only at meal times, cutting out snack food, sugar, and exercising (walking a couple miles 5-6 times a week).
    sounds familiar, i've lost about 18 pounds in 7 weeks by doing much the same. not bad as I was 206 lbs at 6'3"

    breakfast is cereal/yogurt or eggs lunch pasta, or rice with meat, evening meals fish or meat with salad. no chocolate or fizz, water only maybe diluting juice, coffee once or twice a week only.

    oh and portion control!!

    Got back out running too, half hour 4/5 times a week.

    I can now just get back in my kilt that I has made for me back in '89
    Last edited by Nervous Jock; 24th September 07 at 11:42 AM.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiltedsawyer View Post
    I applaud all of your efforts, let me tell you, the one program that I have found that makes sense is Weight Watchers. All of the things you have mentioned here are part of their program and it works. I lost 50 lb.s last year and am keeping it off. It's a common sense program that works in the long term and is safe. Keep going all of you and remember..........nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
    Best of Luck,
    I think that when it comes right down to it, we all know what we should and should not be eating, but it's programs like Weight Watchers that kind of convince us to listen to that voice that says "get the side sald, not the fries" and " don't supersize it.....".

    I don't know if I have lost any weight recently, but I have been hitting the gym and swimming 2-4 times a week as well as doing a few short walks a day with the dog. I have also recently learned to really enjoy a spinach salad. My body is craving the good stuff as opposed to the bad. Well, most of the time it is. I figure I gave up cigarettes cold turkey 18 months ago, so now it's time to get rid of the sweets.

    By the Way Jock, coffee is okay as long as it is black. Since I am a 2 sugar large coffee fiend, I find the green tea more enjoyable as a substitute.

  8. #48
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    Well as of this morning, I've lost 38 pounds.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChromeScholar View Post
    Well as of this morning, I've lost 38 pounds.
    Way to go!!!

    It feels great doesn't it. As my dad just just said" instead of keep up the good work, better to say keep down the good work".
    I have received a few "Wow's" from folks who have not seen me in a while. It is fun to hear them.
    I like this idea that we all win by losing!

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