Kilts from France
I played trivia at my bar tonight and one of the questions, in so many words asked "from which country did the kilt originate from?" France was the answer that got the points. The host stressed "originate."
I need to know if this has any credence. I think personally think it's crap, but I trust you guys more than I trust him. And if I'm wrong, I'm ok with that.
Kilts, as defined as they currently are only derive from Scotland and just the Highlands at that.
Kilt like garments have been known as far back as records of human dress exist. Probably mesopotamia if you want to get back far enough.
Originate? France?
When in the past did they ever have anything remotely kilt like?
I'm glad I wasn't there. Between that absurdity and the beer, I would have been screaming mad.
My heritage is French, and lately I've been wondering/hoping that there was a French garment for men similar to the kilt. It sounds plausible to me that there would be a kilt-like garment from the early history of France (or any Western European country for that matter), but agree that it sounds like complete bollocks that the kilt originated in France.
Of all the various countries/ethnic groups out there that have made a claim for the kilt's origin, I'venever heard France mentioned as a possibility!
The kilt is a Scottish garment that originated in the Highlands of Scotland. Yes, other cultures have had garments that bore certain similarities to the kilt. But this does not mean there is a direct connection. The origins of the kilt can be directly traced back to the clothing of the Scottish Highland Gaels of the sixteenth century.
We have a few French members. I have PM'ed Ancienne Alliance to get his comments on this.
Scotland and France have long had close historical ties and, in fact, this was one of the most powerful reasons behind the Union of 1707 when England felt threatened by France and did not want its northern neighbour joining in. This is an interesting read - http://www.siol-nan-gaidheal.com/bauges.htm - especially the fact that the Scots at the time were the only army that France had!
Also a number of Scots nobles were also members of the French aristocracy - http://www.heraldica.org/topics/france/scotfr.htm - so it is perhaps not surprising if there were many kilted Frenchmen of Scottish birth and descent.
If the source of the questions was Trivial Pursuit, many of the anwers are questionable. TP ain't known for its accuracy.
Last edited by JS Sanders; 21st May 08 at 07:39 AM.
21st May 08, 09:54 AM
As Phil mentioned : "Scotland and France have long had close historical ties", and the links are interesting !
The question of the rench origins of the kilt made me smile though...
Everyone knows the kilt was invented by an English blacksmith !
Robert Amyot-MacKinnon
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