hey guys,
i'm in need of some help. my sister's wedding is quickly approaching -Oct 31st- and for her ceremony she is hoping to have her bouquet tied with scraps of our tartan and her fiancee's. she was very disappointed to discover that what she thought were her scraps were my flashes.
we are looking for places to purchase a yard or two of BOYD ANCIENT and KYLE BLUE MODERN, either from weavers or from anybody who happens to have any sitting around (like you do) or even some left-over scraps from other projects. we would even buy enough for a scarf or a shawl if we would be able to have any scraps. a huge part of the difficulty is the rarity of the BOYD tartan, i'm not sure about the KYLE, this is the first time i've looked for that.
thank you all in advance for help and advice.