finally it worked. So, here it is - a Harris Tweed jacket, silk vest and black shadow tartan kilt. The crutches are courtesy of a road hockey game where I stepped on a stick and broke my fibula. as soon as I can get my son to slow down abit I will send some pics of the pleats as well as the new kilt he just received. It is the second kilt made in the new City of Victoria tartan (designed by Steve of Freedom Kilts). It a beaut, as they say down under.
I like it... but the crutches do not match the buttons... think you can get shiny crutches?...LOL
seriously, I like your color combination, its something I would do... not that I am as fashionable as Rex or Panache... but I like it.. a deep green or a dark gold vest also...
Last edited by dfmacliam; 30th November 09 at 10:49 PM.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
– Robert Louis Stevenson