3rd February 10, 07:39 PM
The Kilted Manefesto
Whereas we, The Kilted Rabble, are men free born and without obligation save that to our God and Clan.
Whereas this, The United States of America, is a free nation and has no laws prohibiting the wearing of any such garment
Whereas we have a deep abiding love and respect for the mother country, Scotland, her traditions and people.
Whereas we are financially responsible for our own purchases, past present and future.
Whereas they, kilts, can be worn in the most casual and the most formal of settings with equal style and grace.
Whereas we expect the same level of courtesy, respect and professionalism as extended to the unkilted masses.
Whereas they are much more comfortable than any bifurcated garments forced upon us by our society.
Whereas we pity those unwilling, unable or afraid to strive for comfort and style.
Whereas we quickly and unquestioningly welcome all men willing to join the kilted movement regardless of age, race, nationality, ethnicity, or religion.
We, The Kilted Rabble, hereby resolve and assert our freedom from breeches, trews, trousers, slacks or jeans. We furthermore resolve and assert our God given right to go kilted to any function or gathering without fear of reprisal and annoying questions about our undergarments (or lack thereof).
Your Brother in Tartan,
"Daddy will you wear your quilt today?" Katie Graham (Age 4)
It's been a long strange ride so far and I'm not even halfway home yet.
3rd February 10, 09:08 PM

Hmm... Let's fix this up, shall we?

 Originally Posted by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
In short, the Communists kilt-wearers everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political fashion order of things. The Communists kilt-wearers disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions those who would force us to wear pants. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic kilt-wearers' revolution. The proletarians bifurcated masses have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
Workers Kilt-wearers of the world, unite!
(Since we're all having fun at work and all)...
4th February 10, 11:33 AM
Not all who wander are lost... -Professor J.R.R. Tolkien
I hoip in God!
4th February 10, 11:46 AM
YES Nail it to the corporate doors of Levi's, Wrangler, Haggar, and all other makers of bifurcated garments, so they know the revolution is coming. "Freemen want to be free!" BY
4th February 10, 11:48 AM
4th February 10, 12:57 PM
Dr. Charles A. Hays
The Kilted Perfesser
Laird in Residence, Blathering-at-the-Lectern
4th February 10, 01:24 PM
Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife
4th February 10, 05:22 PM
4th February 10, 05:38 PM
or theres allways Pour1Malts Che Burns painting/tshirt which I bought when I visited last weekend
The hielan' man he wears the kilt, even when it's snowin';
He kens na where the wind comes frae,
But he kens fine where its goin'.
4th February 10, 07:43 PM
 Originally Posted by butch
YES Nail it to the corporate doors of Levi's, Wrangler, Haggar, and all other makers of bifurcated garments, so they know the revolution is coming. "Freemen want to be free!" BY

Seems that Levi's corporate HQ has glass doors. You think it's OK if we just use sticky TAPE instead?
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