I must tread careful here as everyone knows I am hardly the traditionalist. Couple of observations though, based purely on preference and my personal experience.

I have tried wearing a Jacket and Kilt without a tie. I was going for a smart but casual look (and it must be the way I was dragged up) but I really don't like it, doesn't ride well with me at all. If I wear a jacket now, I always wear a tie. To my eye, the waistcoat you're wearing has a jacket equivalence about it because it looks quite formal and appears that you've left your jacket over the back of a chair somewhere. Consequently, to me at least it is shouting "TIE!" Were it a different kind of waistcoat (plain black, less formal looking mibbies).
(You'll have to imagine the kilt... best picture I can find to illustrate the point.)

maybe it would work better. I appreciate it's NOT traditional either but in my humble opinion a tie IS required with the waistcoat you have on.

If you are going to drop the tie, you might want to try a collarless shirt. I have no idea how that would fare in the traditional sense but in my humble, combined with the turned down waistcoat would look nice and rustic. (Ooooh arrrr!)

Onother observation, again purely personal. Charcoal socks. Nothing wrong with them at all... Some people hate Black socks, fine... some people hate white socks, fine... My personal bug is charcoal socks and for the life of me I couldn't work out why till it dawned on me I used to wear them in school... with shorts. They will always look like schoolboy socks to me. Sozz!

Other than those points... Excellent turnout, well done! (Oh yeah. Long sleeves with a waistcoat, always for me. But you mentioned that already.)

I now return you to your regular broadcast. Thanks for listening.