It was a beautiful summer day at the Foothills Highland games, Okotoks, Alberta(no camera...forgot) but you guys have seen lots of photos of pipers, dancers and pipebands. I know there's lots of imagination out there that can more than compensate for my forgetfulness. Next year... I say. Next year, I bring the camera!

Now to the subject at hand. Most, if not all of the kilted were members of the competing pipebands with all manner of knife pleats, some PV, some 13oz, some too long, some 16oz... you know.

I was surprised by how few men other than band members were in kilts. I counted maybe.... 6 including me. I was the only lad in a box-pleat. Now I would like all of you to know that I suffered the solace of the box-pleat really well. I was comfortable, dressed with Xmarks summer wisdom in play, and when appropriate drew some conversation about the box-pleat and its historical roots. It drew some quizical looks. And I'm sure that in a veritable sea of pipeband kilts, it looked a little odd. But hey, I was pleated to the stripe! And that helped me feel like a I "belonged".

Yes, I have an 8 yarder. And its good. However, the lonely but mighty box-pleat made the day just that little bit more special. Wishing all my fellow-Xmarkers a wonderful end of August.