I was walking home from church yesterday as I had recently wrecked my car when I was stopped by three African-American teenaged girls, one of whom asked if my kilt was a skirt and if my sporran was a purse and why was wearing it? When I tried to explain it was a kilt and a garment like the pants they all were wearing and was far more comfortable than trousers, one of the girls wanted to argue with me that the kilt was not more comfortable than trousers. Being that I did not want to prove Mr. Murphy's right by arguing with an idiot, I simply wished them a good day and walked away. Unfortunately this confrontation overshadowed the comments of "I like your outfit" and "Looks great" that I had received just moments before.

On the rest of my walk home, I had to keep reminding myself of the sermon regarding forgiveness we had heard and that I had to forgive them for being young and ignorant.

I realize that a man in a kilt is not an every day occurrance in Antioch, CA however, that's no escuse for being rude.