No, my wife doesn't object at all. She's a strong, independent, and very secure woman that early on recognized my independence from the norm. She honestly could care less what other people think, as time is too short to put up with close-minded people. I've known and worked in the same office as her for ten years, but it wasn't until I wore a kilt to work for the first time that she really noticed me for the first time. While others were shocked or put off, she came up and said, "Nice legs." It wasn't long after that before we started dating. I proposed at an outside restaurant in a kilt, was married in one, and she's been totally supportive as I slowly build my kilt wardrobe.

I think it's important to be my own man. Yet, real men are always considerate of the ones they love and communication is a must. If everyone is on the same page, things go much smoother and when new interests appear, talking about it first is best.