The games went off quite well. There was a lot of action happening at all times. The weather couldn't have been much better. Saw some good athletics, listened to some really great piping, had some good eats and dropped by cajunscot's clan booth to say hi.

Stopped by my bank on the way there and caused a rather big stir among the regular girls who work there. As I was leaving, one of the gals, a real sweetie in her 60's yelled out that she wasn't going to ask what I was wearing underneath. I returned the yell with the classic "good girls/bad girls" line. I think it made their whole weekend.

Anyway, on to a couple of pics.

Me and CGR along with Katie frolicking in the background

TurboKittie and Katie

TurboKittke, CGR and Katie who apparently was embarrassed by us

Some gaming

Caber fun

Practicing before judging

Cajunscot (on the left in the green diced hose)

More to follow later