Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
Let's all be careful that this conversation doesn't get too economically politicized, eh? That's a good way to get a thread shut down MDQ.

While I might agree with some sentiments regarding "buy USA" or whatever, let's keep the conversation KILT-related, and I'm sure that it will be fine.
My previous post wasn't meant as a political statement or "buy American". I was try to point out (in a rather vauge way) that no matter what you think YOUR rock bottom, absolute minimum price to make a kilt, shoe, widget or whatever, there is someone else that will come along and undercut you. Usually it is the wages of the workers that suffer and eventually nobody is getting a living wage. Quality suffers too as pressure to continue lowering the prices exists.

I don't have a problem with a $60 kilt made in Pakistan, but don't compare it to a $500 kilt made in the US or Scotland. The person making it probably made pennies an hour and its poorly made (comparatively speaking).

BTW..I'm making kilts too. Send me $5 and a copy of your local newpaper. If your a big guy make it the Sunday edition.