I got my first kilt a week ago (on Oct 13, 2011) and I've not worn any of my "two-legged kilts" (er, pants) since. I don't wear it inside my place (working at my paintings) but any time I've gone out anywhere, I've worn the kilt.

Already I've had two people ask to take my photo haha ... one was in the Saturday market where I was with my paintings and the other was yesterday when I was walking home through the Public Gardens ( a large area near downtown with nice arrangements of various plants and flowers and species of trees) and a group of tourists from the US asked to take my photo (two of them snapped pics).

I also got one woman say "nice kilt" (not sarcastically). She might have been from India and was used to seeing more men walking around in long 'skirted' or loose wrap-like clothes).

I also wore it walking through Point Pleasant Park, on the paths and then off the paths through the trees (getting a bit stuck at dead-ends of marshy or thorny places at times) ... also along the entire rocky beach area.

There's something about wearing a kilt that's really awesome... the weight of it, the look, the more 'archaic' feeling of it compared to boring modern clothing ... all of the above I guess.

Anyway, that's my account of my first week walking around everywhere kilted.