This is something I've noticed in the past. There are all sorts of cultural and societal reasons for it, I suspect. AND, it must be said that what I'm going to write is MY PERCEPTION and that doesn't mean that it's anybody elses.

For example.... women wear skirts with no socks and no nylons and plain shoes all the time.

But if a guy wears a contemp kilt with no hose and no socks, but shoes, like oxofrds...TO ME it looks awful. Kilt + crocs gives me the horrors. Logically, it should be fine, but TO ME, it's not. Why is it fine for a woman to do it, but not a man?

That's just my personal example of what seems to me should be logical, but looks deadly awful. There are others. TO ME....I think the new utilikilt pinstripe kilt and vest are great. The spats, though. UGH. But it's not terribly logical, *why* I think they look awful.

What other things about contemporary kilt stuff do you feel "should" by all reasonable logic, work just fine, but it gives you the willies when you see it in person?