
I have some weaving experience but mostly designing tartans, you can change the threadcount to make it smaller as long as you keep the ratio of the sett, so it is still identifiable, I have 3 scales for my personal tartan, first scale (I call it Sett 000) 0 scale which means I can't make it any smaller without compromising the sett ratio, then second scale (Sett 002) 2 scale which means the sett is twice the size of the first scale, and third scale (Sett 003) 3 scale is the size of my personal tartan as woven and made into a kilt.

Also as a weaver, when you warp up a sett e.g. MacLeod of Lewis, the weft is reduced in order to keep the sett looking square (unless it's a box weave, which my personal tartan is, where the warp and weft are the same), so you have 24 ends of Yellow on the warp, to keep it looking square the weft would be 20 ends of Yellow as I weave it, and 16 ends of Black for the warp, and 12 ends for weft, though the pivots of 2 ends of Red stay the same.

MacLeod - Warp Sett R/2 Y24 K16 Y2 K/16 - Weft R/2 Y20 K12 Y2 K/12

Note: This is half sett with full count at the pivots, if you weave MacLeod of Lewis the sett is layed out with full threadcount, including an extension depending on how many ends your warp has, e.g. 200/300 ends and the size of your loom and number of headles etc.

All the best,
