On Saturday 10th December 2011, the SPSL are going to start getting into the festive spirit with the 4th running of our Christmas Invitational Competition known fondly as 'Strictly Come Piping'.
The invited pipers are asked to present the audience with a performance of a medley of tunes of their own choice, with the accent strongly on entertainment.
This year's pipers will include:-

Allan Dunsmore (Winner 2010)
Steve Watterston (Winner 2008 and 2009)
Grahame Harris
Roger Huth
Robert Dunkley
Jamie Forrester
Alasdair Smith
Steven Cussen
Anthony Doherty
Andrew Hall
The Prize is a silver shield that once adorned the pipes our first SPSL Pipe Major, Lewis Beaton, fitted to a mounted tenor drone, to be held for one year.
The event will be judged by YOU, the audience. There will also be a piping quiz with the rounds fitting in between performances, and a festive raffle.
The venue is upstairs at The Mudlark, Montague Close, London Bridge, London, SE1 9DA - our former home....
Piping starts at 1830 hrs. prompt
Entry is £5 for SPSL Members; £6 for non-members, payable at the door.
Make it a date for your diary. Come along. Support the Society. Put on your kilt. Bring your own quiz team. Enjoy the piping, but most of all, help us to make it a great night's entertainment to round off the piping year.