Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
Attractive sett. Excellent colours. Very Wilsons looking. Wonderful balance. It looks like five colours to me, but there could be a Yellow as well as a pale Green. Herringbone edge up top which appears to end in the Light Blue rather then the Dark Blue therefore breaking the sett right at the edge. Early to mid 19th century then? Have I got that right?
Yellow yes but pale green?
Herringbone - really?
Early to mid-C19th. Why do you think that is the case?

Are those staples I see in the top right?

It looks like there's some kind of stitching around the outside edge of the piece which I can't imagine a use for. The buckling of the fabric in the bottom corners is almost certainly caused by this.

It also looks like it might be a lighter weave and not that large a piece. May we have the dimensions?
From what I recall it's about 6x8"

There are also some interesting little 'jigs' in the vertical weave. Not quite a full herringbone turn around, but perhaps just for one thread and then back to the established twill weave. I'm not sure if this is intentional or a function of the loom or something else.
Ah. So what might it be?