The Nor Cal Rabble's 6th Annual Burns Night Supper is being held on January 21, 2012 from 5:30 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. The venue is our usual at the Old Mill.
Everyone is welcome although space is limited. Price is $10 per adult, $5 per child 12 years and under. The menu will include appetizers with smoked salmon, haggis, cock-a-leekie soup, green salad and dessert. Macaroni and cheese will also be provided for the children.
To keep the price down, we request attendees bring something to share such as appetizers, neeps and tatties (potatoes, any style), desserts, and any special drinks you like. Some soft drinks, beer, and wine will be provided.
Send your check in advance by January 14, 2012 to:
Madalyn Drago
243 Pinehaven Way
Pacifica, CA 94044

Any questions to: or (650) 359-1227
The NCR program will include all the usual Burns Night activities but a little less traditional, as well as music, dancing, and lots of laughs. Hope you can join us.

The Old Mill: 522 Bean Creek Road, Scotts Valley, CA. Once inside the complex, follow the streets with the yellow line in the center.
Google Maps location:,+-122.025987&hl=en&ll=37.054013,-122.025883&spn=0.001131,0.001554&sll=37.053927,-122.025955&sspn=0.000565,0.000777&vpsrc=6&t=h&z=20