Having also suffered over the years several auto breakins I can attest that there are few things on this earth that make one feel more mentally and personally violated, save those far more abhorrent physical violations about which we will not speak. The worst part is the theif probably had not real interest in the kilt but took it in haste only to discover that it had no real value to him (pawn shop going to give him much for it?, and it probably does not fit nor interest anyone he would hang around with) by comparison to the financial and emotional value to you, as well as the inconvenience of having to do without. Bad enough to lose your kilt, worse if it was an expensive 8yd wool tank, even worse if it was your clan tartan, and worse even yet if it was a custom weave, because of the extra cost, time and effort in that kind of one of a kind item. Only hopefully saving grace might be if your insurance covers it under a no deductible comprehensive, and gives you enough in replacement value to get the kilt you want to replace it, either identical or something different.
I personally hate that burning feeling of personal violation, even if only of your property.

I wish you luck in either recovering or replacing your stolen kilt. If you find no luck in that regard, and insurance does not make things right for whatever reasons, PM me as I may have a section of lovely tartan I would be willing to donate to the cause of getting you back on your "kilted" feet again after your loss.

Again, sorry for your loss. It just plain sucks. To quote Forrest Gump, "thats all I have to say about that."
