Monday morning, I woke to the sound of the rubbish truck coming up the drive, drats, I'd not got the bins out for them, gotta dress quick, I'd slept in after a very late night on Xmarks. On went the USAkilts 4 yard velcro wool kilt in a flash, I'm thinkin' - wow, quicker than stumbling into trousers!!

The kilt stayed on all day, clients came and went, the only comment was from one guy who had never seen me wear a kilt "Oh, you got the kilt on today" yeh, like he sees it every day!

End of day comes, quick catnap in the same kilt at 5 pm and here I am well past midnite - still in a kilt.

My wife doesn't understand, but I know you do.
A bad day in a kilt is better than a good day in trousers.