Queen Mary Highland Games 2012
Sorry for the quality of the photos! I was running around playing in a band, no room for a camera, so these were taken with an Ipod.
In the morning, solos. A young piper plays for the venerable R Shepherd (wearing trews, odd for a piping judge). Unlike most Games, the solos at the Queen Mary are held indoors, in a salon onboard the ship, and the various competitor's pipes can be heard to great effect.
and after playing, the judge passes on some of his half-century of piping wisdom (he took over Dysart & Dundonald in 1966 and led them to Grade One Championships in 1977 and 1978)
a "lefty" competes
The LA Scots, under the guise of The Long Beach Police Pipe Band, warms up
the drum section led by ginger-haired Glennie
Last edited by OC Richard; 20th February 12 at 01:19 AM.
Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte