Ah but it is from a fashion label, and fashion is not for the faint hearted.

Still it could be a starting point for someone with a vague interest in kilts to do some research or experimentation of their own. The high price could actually be a good thing, putting people off buying it but getting them thinking that they could create something of high value.

I just happen to be wearing my black cotton kilt today - which I made some years ago now, and it has been remade it at least once - and it cost me less than twenty pounds for the piece of material I bought, enough for another couple of kilts.

The fabric is 'peached' so it has a short nap, which I have on the inside. The selvedge has to be gone over with a thick black permanent marker from time to time as it must contain man made fibres which lose their colour easily. Apart from losing colour, however, the fabric is as good as new. A properly made kilt lasts far longer than ordinary garments.

When I wear my black kilt and leather hat on forrays into the West Country I get odd looks due to it being part of the uniform of the Free Cornish - which is rather fun.

Anne the Pleater :ootd: