Shorts vs kilts in the workplace
Hello everyone
I was employed for a short time as a stone fabricator, and was understandably replaced by a worker with much more experience than myself......that's just business
I got a call today informing me that I was accepted for a position at a tile and stone warehouse with a dollar increse in wages *YAY*
Summer is fast approaching here, and I was wondering about issues regarding shorts vs kilts in the workplace.
My old supervisor started wearing shorts to work everyday, and I jokingly made a comment saying "Don't make me come here wearing my kilt!!!"
He said that he doubs my ex-boss would really care.
I wouldn't have worn my kilt in that wet dirty shop, or on installations for fear of getting silicone or caulk smeared on my precious only kilt, but it was nice to know, for just a short time that I could have gotten away with it if I wanted to :-)
Certainly, we are all aware that kilts while having a high potential for snag hazards around machinery offer more protection than your average pair of cargo shorts.
It was explained to me that I would have a 30 day period before I was issued a company uniform......until then I would be wearing my normal work clothes.
In these modern times of tattoos, piercings, various cultural garments and long hair being widely accepted in the workplace, why not kilts???
For example, if I were an Asian Indian, or Arabic, would wearing a turban be grounds to terminate me?
It's sad to think that me showing up to work wearing a kilt might label me as an oddball or a bad worker, when we all know that a kilted worker is much hhealthier and happier for the comfort a kilt provides :-)
Let me hear your collective thoughts
Wear your kilt proudly, but carry a big stick