At a parade
Hell-o all you kilted lads and supportive lassies,
While I was at the neighborhood Memorial Day parade and ceremony today, I was listening to a local pipe band that was playing in a circle when this lady came up to me and asked for a business card of the band, I said that I was not with the band and wear the kilt for comfort, she seemed perplexed as to what I was saying. "You're wearing a kilt too" she replied, "so you must be with the band, no sane man would wear a kilt for the fun of it." Before I could respond another lady who I do not know came back with "a kilt is a man's wear and to me it makes perfect sense that sane men wear them, just wish that my husband and sons had enough nerve to wear them." The lady that asked for the card just said "oh" and walked off. The other lady said that she had been admiring mine for awhile, and was hoping that I wore the kilt not as a performer. I did give her tons of kilt information for her husband and sons.
It does my heart well when others give you support from out of the blue.
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.