Why X Markers should try SCD
An invitation to the dance
Over the years I have often read on our forum gents complaining because their Ladies were unhappy with their desire to wear highland finery. Others have said that they just don't feel comfortable wearing the kilt unless it is to some appropriately Scottish event. The problem of not being able to find others who wear highland attire locally has also cropped up.
To all these folks, and to all the other Ladies and Gentlemen of our forum, may I humbly suggest...
"Try Scottish Country Dancing!"
SCD is a wonderful activity that offers a lot of good healthy exercise, a chance to don your kilt on a regular basis, and lets you meet with an exceptionally friendly group of people who are interested in Scottish Heritage activities. For those with spouses and girlfriends who do not approve of the kilt here is an opportunity to win them over. I can't tell you how many lady friends I have who would love to take a dance class but have husbands that absolutely refuse. Gents this is a fantastic way to not only win over a reluctant spouse to the kilt but a chance for you to make that special lady happy.
"Can't Dance" you say. Nonsense! SCD was for the common people. Unlike Highland Dancing it is not about performance. The set (the number of couples needed for each dance) work together as a team to get everyone through the dance. It is cooperative not competitive. People dance the steps to their own ability. Age is not a factor, many dancers I regularly
dance with are in their seventies, though in truth they don't look it. (Did I mention how good and healthy SCD was?) Very few people have the physical limitations that allow them to say "I can't dance". Most men won't dance because they fear being embarrassed (NOTE: Scottish Country Dancers are very welcoming, helpful, and understanding of beginners) or because they feel that dancing isn't masculine.
To this second group I have a simple answer...watch the film "Tunes of Glory"
There are Scottish Country Dance classes all over the world! For more information about SCD and nearby classes please check out the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society's website at RSCDS.org
I hope you will all consider accepting this invitation to the dance!
Last edited by Panache; 18th May 12 at 03:37 PM.
Reason: For the heck of it...
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand