I wonder if Mr Giles Jackson wears a kilt or if this is just another of a long line of money making tartans. How long before we see one highlighting chronic flatulence and another celebrating social ineptitude? Just how many causes can one person espouse in a lifetime.
Yes, I'm suddenly very curious about this Mr. Giles Jackson and the mysterious Liberation Kilt Co. I could not find a public website or any other information with my simple Google skills. He certainly has registered a lot of tartans, and one wonders what his angle is. I can't believe that it's a money maker, the way he's doing it. What's the angle? Boredom? The desire to hijack the tartan registration system to make a permanently-recorded political statement?

Of course, he's free to do as he likes. But stuff like this seems a bit overboard and unnecessary to me. The waters get muddier...