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  1. #1
    Join Date
    18th October 09
    Orange County California
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    Costa Mesa Games 2012

    Once again, due to running around playing in a band I found it easier to take fuzzy photos on my I-thing than to carry a camera around... apologies for the photo quality.

    Early Saturday morning I listened to the solos. Members of the Irish Pipers of San Francisco in the solo drumming

    a young woman from the Edmonton Boys' Pipe Band (!) plays for a judge

    a piper from the University of California Riverside Pipe Band (wearing their lovely bespoke tartan) plays before the dapper Glen Thompson, sporting a charcoal jacket and Lovat bonnet and hose

    Disney was promoting the movie Brave and part of it was an archery thing. Kinda cool to have archery and piobaireachd going on so close together

    Davey Armstrong, Pipe Major of the LA Scots Grade 4 band, competes next to the athletic field. If you look close you can see a big rock flying through the air

    Bandmates tend to show support for fellow bandmembers playing solos, in this case the band from Glendale Arizona

    The Irish Pipers of San Francisco (California's oldest pipe band) forming the circle in competition. Pictures taken while a band is transitioning from the square to the circle formation always look a bit odd, everyone all ahoo, but they do actually know where they're going. They won Grade 3 both days

    LA Scots Grade 1 tuning up before going in front of the judges. Note the use of an electronic tuner (in the hands of a guy with a really good ear) to help get all the drones precisely set

    and in the competition circle. No other Grade 1 bands came this year (sad face) so the LAS were merely playing for the judges' comments. Note the judge in trews

    Last edited by OC Richard; 28th May 12 at 05:03 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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