Quote Originally Posted by J_Mimbs View Post
I haven't lost an appreciable amount of weight yet, but I have definitely put on more muscle, and I'm noticing the results of my cardio work as well. It is incredibly encouraging!
Good to hear, man! Hey, don't let the weight loss thing discourage you. I have discovered that weight is relative. Body Fat Percentage is where it's at. You can lose tons of fat and still weigh about the same. For instance, I used to weigh 165 on a regular basis when eating right and not lifting very heavy and I weighed 185 at my worst and most of that was fat and very little muscle. I had gained 8 inches on my waist in four months if that tells you anything! Now I weigh a steady 173, but my body fat is WAY lower and my muscle mass is up. Get a set of BFP calipers and remember, "Abs are made in the kitchen" and dial in that nutrition.

To everyone who has been so encouraging this last 6 months as I struggled to get healthy, "THANK YOU!" I am by no means done yet. My friend John and I are re-starting P-90X tomorrow and I am going to help him get the nutrition plan in gear so he can make the most out of his hard work. My year of "Bringing It" is only half over and the second half is more important than the first. The second half determines the final score of the game. Keep going ladies and gents. I know I'm not alone in working hard and I am pulling for all of you.
