After two years with no games, it seems that the Houston Highland Games Association has reconstituted itself, elected new officers, been meeting regularly and are planning to hold the games again April 27-28, 2013 at the Farm and Ranch Club (where it has been the past several years).

That means that there's going to be quite a string of games in Texas in the Spring: The Scottish-Irish Faire in Midland March 9-10, the San Antonio Highland Games April 6-7, the aforementioned Houston Highland Games April 27-28, and the Texas Scottish Festival in Arlington May 3-5.

After two years without a Houston event, the TSF moved their event from June to May, probably in the hopes of cooler temperatures, which would increase attendance. Houston traditionally held its games the second weekend in May.

I'm a bit surprised that the HHGA scheduled their event the weekend before the TSF, as I reckon that will be a bit too much for some who would otherwise attend both, but I'm glad to see that the Houston games are coming back. I believe this will be the 39th games.