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  1. #18
    Join Date
    6th July 07
    The Highlands,Scotland.
    15 Post(s)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friday View Post
    Sir, almost from the beginning of email on the 300 baud internet there has grown a educate on tone and context in emails. That many of the new comers to this media have failed to learn and consider it is unimportant, it still exists.

    As in post number 19 where the poster grew up in Scotland and around kilts know what he is talking about, those of us who have been using the internet from almost the beginning understand email and forum post educate and how emphasis, word choice and context convey tone and intend. When that is included with a posters body of posts across the entire forum anger, offense and the intent to offend can be easily seen. IMHO and I have learned that with my opinion and $5.00 (US) you can buy a dollar cup of coffee.
    OK as I am responsible for post 19, I seem to have inadvertantly caused you some offence for which I aplogise.

    However, as a self taught and self confessed "technodunce" I am unaware of the internet niceties that, I think, you are speaking of. So again, please accept my apologies if I have gone beyond internet protocol.

    I have to admit that I don't know what" 300 baud internet" nor "a educate on tone" is, or " know" (should it be knows?),or "understand email and forum post educate ", or "tone intend" means. And for that I apologise too, but is this technospeak? It is certainly not English English and perhaps therein lies our problem?

    Regardless of the above,I have never intended "anger", "offense" or "intent to offend" and if you have taken it that way then again I am sorry.

    I do wonder if we have another example of a "common language divided by ..........(the rest of the quotation slips my mind for the moment)thing, added to lack of my knowledge of internet protocol causing you such angst? I have to say whilst others from your side of the Atlantic do have problems with plain English which seems rather too plain for many North American ears, you do seem to have picked up unintended meanings. You may be interested to know that what I say would not cause a jot of upset here. But there we go.

    So what is it exactly that have I said , in post 19, that is causing you such upset?
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 22nd August 12 at 07:57 AM.
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