Today I was at my home town's Labor Day Celebration. I was wearing my black Utilikilt, a shirt from them that read, "It's better to have your kilt up, than your pants down." I was talking to some friends and I bet they saw what was going to happen, but said nothing. Suddenly I thought I felt the back of my kilt being lifted just a little or brushed, or something. Then suddenly I felt cold water hitting my butt. When I turned and looked, a lady had a squirt gun. She stood up quickly and then I recognized her as a lady who plays in a band. She's older, but really nice and a funny lady. She said, "They dared me to do it." I replied, "You know you are lucky! I just felt cold water come up, but I could have sent warm water down!"

She looked horrified and said, "I hope you are not mad at me, they dared me." I never did see who the "they" was from where she pointed as there were lots of people around. "From what you said, can we just shake hands and make a truce?" We did, and laughed and laughed about it. I don't think she really thought of what she was doing until I reacted. The friends I was talking to laughed so hard too.

I also had numerous pictures taken of me, or really my shirt, because they wanted me to turn around for each picture so the back of my shirt showed.