What I have been trying to reconcile in my itty bitty brain is how on earth the famously stingy Scots ever got involved in clothing that is so darned expensive? Mind you, I understand we live in a different world today, and hobbies and addictions can cost whatever, but my word! This kilt stuff is expensive!

My dad's mother was a full blooded Scot (as was my mom's mother) and she was about as tight as they came. My dad pretty much took after her and was an accountant on top of it. My mother, God rest her soul, used to say my dad "Would not pay a nickel to see an earthquake." She had other quaint sayings about his stinginess, but that is how I was raised. Now I look at buying a kilt that costs twice as much as I would pay for a normal decent wool business suit! I guess those of us of Scot heritage have to unlearn this stinginess thing eh?

Maybe I'm the only one with this question?

I'm trying, honest...
