I started a club 16 years a ago. Over the summer I agreed with others it was time for a Board of Directors and that we should incorporate the club. I had long ago assigned the title of Vice President to a person important to the operation, and this summer we added 3 additional people. Now this same Board, the one I appointed it first member and he and I selected three additional persons has decided to confront me, and inform me I can not wear a kilt all the time. I have been wearing a kilt daily for 7 or so years. The bylaws for the club are not yet in place, though the articles of incorporation have been filed. I don't want to give up my kilt I am not comfortable in pants any more, and also fell more myself in a kilt. I am in the state of Maryland in the USA.

P.S. The worse part is this is a nudist club! We don't wear anything during events!!!