I'm sure many of you have downloaded the supplemental text for making a boxpleated kilt from the Art of Kiltmaking at the Scottish Tartans Museum, http://www.scottishtartans.org/Box_p...es_ver_1.1.pdf and am hoping someone can help.

I've been trying for a few weeks now to download either version, but I keep getting messages essentially saying the file is corrupt and won't download. I've tried on three different computers, so its not just mine.
I've sent an email to ask if there is an alternative version available, but haven't had a response, and this weekend is the one I've put by for laying out the R'lyeh sett tartan into a box pleated kilt. I desperately need to read through this to refresh my memory as to the Grand Plan before I start.

Does anone have any advice for making this download properly?