Quote Originally Posted by artificer View Post
I buy all of my fur from only two places. I buy from them because the pelts are wild takes, clean with only 1-2 holes, and come with all legal tags and paperwork.
I won't buy farmed fur.

Fur is indeed an animal product, which everyone has to come to their own terms on. I respect both sides of this argument.

This is quite an unpleasant video, but you should also examine the source. PETA has a particular point of view, and will pick footage that serves their message, and nothing that reenforces the opposite p.o.v.
As with nearly everything, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

I agree , thank you are not useing the FUR that is mass farmed . But yes I am sure PETA
has an axe to grind , but at any rate I felt like somethng needed to be said.
I mean I have fur sporrans and I insantly felt bad about having them .
I cant imagine how this farming goes on .
If there are companys out there that supplie the FUR in a Humane way , there should be a
list of Humane vendors for FUR.
We should stay away from the framed FUR companys for our sporran needs .