Quote Originally Posted by Hachiman View Post
Reading through this thread inspired me to follow suit (thank you Mael, by the way), so today I came to work wearing my only kilt, a casual 5 yard Wallace Modern. The day started with me dropping my 16mnth old daughter off at daycare, where another father said to my daughter "your daddy's wearing a skirt." .... I smiled briefly and said nothing, and tried to remember that it wasn't going to be an omen for the day to come.
And it wasn't! So far the reaction from my colleagues has been mixed. Some have tried to be humorous ("Hey, nice skirt!"), some have been supportive ("I love the outfit, I've got scottish roots too"), one seemed to be venturing into dangerous territory ("I hope you're wearing underwear", to which I responded "Are you seriously asking me what I'm wearing beneath my kilt?" - he backed-peddled quickly), and one was virtually speechless. That was just plain funny. However my supervisor was very supportive and positive. I haven't heard a peep from any of the managers at this point, so if this positive air continues, I might be able to make Friday my regular Kilt day too!

Well done! Kilt on!