Hello Rabble,
The following images are of my Grandmother and my Great Uncle Charles, aged 7 & 10 (c.1914-15) in Highland Dress. They are from Kelty originally, but our specific Robertson seat originated in Methven. My Great Granda's family was originally from the "Berry Country". I've done a considerable amount of research re: what units (Gallant Forty-Twa...Royal Highland Reg...2nd BN Black Watch...73rd Perthshire Reg...3rd BN SCOTS) were reponsible to the Perth-Kinross, Fife & Greater Metro Dundee area, but can'nae reconcile the combination of the following:
Black Watch Cap Badge holding the Plaid together: Image 1
The Boar's Head Sporran: Image 2
The (presumably) Black Watch based Sett with the light (white) over stripe: Image 3
Does this combination mean anything to our military experts?
Thanks for any information