On Friday, January 25, 2013, the Simon Fraser University Centre for Scottish Studies is again organizing a Marathon Recitation of Burns's Poetry and Song. Our goal is to break our 2012 record of 4 hours, 9 minutes and 24 seconds! We know it can be done and we know we will have a fun and inspirational time doing it!

New this year, our wonderful friends at Men In Kilts www.meninkilts.com will be on hand to take pictures of all the readers so everyone can have a reminder of the day they helped set the world record.

It would be wonderful if you’d like to participate and join us. Bring along your favourite Burns piece or we can help you find something to read (and even explain what it means). Please contact Tricia Barker tbarker@sfu.ca if you want to be a part of setting this new world record! If you’re not comfortable with reading please come and watch and join us for the celebration. There will be refreshments and entertainment for all!