Utilikilt Jean Cut
I snapped up this NWOT 2007 denim Utilikilt Jean Cut off Ebay mostly because of the rear pockets and it's rarity.
They are much like the current Original except: it's denim, has the jean pockets in back, has 3 more peats, is selvaged (overlocked) instead of hemmed, it had the no snap "floating" waist band ( I fixed that ) and the underpleating on both aprons is different. ( I also tightened the 3 loose top apron snaps that go through only one layer of fabric - This problem has been around a very long time. It leads to quite a few kilts on Ebay with torn and patched aprons.)
Discovered this 34x23 kilt has the best action or waggle of any Utilkilt I own, including the denim Workmans. The denim is the same - I measured the thickness. Probably due to not being hemmed and the extra pleats. Maybe as much action as can be expected of a reverse Kinguise pleat system. Of all my Utilikilts, the denims get the best pleat action and lay - probably due to the diagonal flexability of denim.
The serged (overlock stitched) hem does need the iron after hang drying.
The pictures - indoors, it's 22 degrees F with a "brisk" wind outside: Front view with all my c**p uh-hum stuff on and in the pockets.

The rest is without the stuff just the kilt, belt and me. Front:

Pleat spread:

Rear with legs out - it takes a lot to open that box pleat - but it opens when walking:

Sock Color - when I was getting dressed this morning I thought I was going to wear my Caramel UK Workman another day. Then changed my mind - I wanted to see how this one worked in the cold - real good!
Last edited by tundramanq; 10th July 13 at 05:31 AM.
slàinte mhath, Chuck
Originally Posted by MeghanWalker,In answer to Goodgirlgoneplaids challenge:
"My sporran is bigger and hairier than your sporran"
Pants is only a present tense verb here. I once panted, but it's all cool now.