Here we are with this new subforum and freedon to discuss a wider range of topics and I find myself with little to say.

I appreciate the thought and consideration the mods have put into this and the efforth they have made to accomidate. I understand it is not an easy job, I don't envy them and I am sure I could not do a better job.

As a life long hunter I am a bit disturbed by the rules that imply discussion of one of my other passions seems to be regarded in same general leauge as child pornography and can not be discussed even though everything I do is legal and licensed by my government?

However, perhaps I am being petty here as I am unlikely to discuss my hunting on this forum anyway where I understand few would be interested and I might offend a segment of our community. I really try to not offend people generally and don't feel the need to rub my lifestyle in the face of those that it bothers. As I don't hunt kilted it is largly irrelevent but if I did it would be nice to feel I could say somethig about it.