Hey Rabble,

This is one dude who has waaaaay too much time on his hands. A wack-job's brief diatribe on...are you ready? Wait for it...

Why "It is Sinful for Men to Wear Kilts!"

Read on, dear brothers and sisters. As the Facebook poster who brought this to my attention observed, "He must be a minion of King George II."


So obviously this guy has never hefted a 16 oz Strome 8 yard tank if he thinks of a kilt as "soft raiment". Or for that matter been to any Highland Games and seen a thrower. There are so many things in this article that are just outright hilarious, I thought you all might like a peek. The only "sin" I see in this article is the lad in the photo at the top wearing a kilt that is about 4 inches too long for him! (But then again it is his sinful kilt, not mine)

"Foolery, sir, does walk about the orb like the sun, it shines everywhere." ~ William Shakespeare
