So having lost this post twice now through power spikes - the excitement has gone out of writing a long post.

long story short - I am soon to be married to a lovely (American born) Irish lass (and excuse me while she beats me with a wooden spoon)

Out of respect and acknowledgment of my Scottish heritage, the choice has been made for me to attend in "traditional attire"

however when presented with my kit - I was appalled by everything but the 100% wool, black watch tartan.
I vowed to make as much as I could myself.

So far, I have the items depicted below, and some multiples to make.
criticisms/suggestions/historical notations welcome.
I'm not easy to offend to speak your mind.
PS- some images of the construction phase for interest.

Buckles design was heavily inspired by the bride's choices.

Please note - the Sgian Dubh is unfinished, still needs to be tumbled - polished and receive fill.