I've just noticed a couple of things in the last few days.
I've been grappling with my old computer again and missed the last 4-5 days of posting and must say, probably in the wrong place I'm sorry to see AC and his family leave, I can't comment because I can't find the full information but I'll miss them.
On a lighter note I've read in several places how much people are nervous about wearing their kilts, and I'll admit once or twice I had to grit me teeth.
BUT I've started wearing an Akubra, I've never been so self conscious and nervous, trust me wearing a hat round here is more nerve wracking than wearing a kilt.
And the other incident to report was from the missis, bless her, just lately I've been busy, 18 hour day busy, so I've rushed from one place/job to another. Most of the time these last 2 weeks I've not worn a kilt, yesterday I had an easy job of walking a customer through a garden centre, and I planned to wear a kilt, the wife was annoyed....
Her words 'Oh right so you can wear a kilt for 'HER' but not me'......I smiled all day, in a kilt.
Cheers Rhino