Greetings all,

Colin through a bit of detective work mentioned in Casey's post and picture that he found a picture of me on the web, well I must confess it is true.

Although it is not the best picture of me, I was getting ready for hibernation, I had a little bit of weight on me.

It is on Allen's, who has been known to post here from time to time, site It shows me in my Co Fermanagh from House of Edgar.

I have not read up on how to put it into my gallery or use as an avatar, so at this juncture this may have to do. So much to do and so little time to do it in, so if any of you have any suggestions all will be heeded, no guarantees as to when it will be up unless....Hank?

Allen BTW has been extremely busy and has had a major contract which is consuming his time. He still checks in from time to time to see what we are doing.

Even though I really had nothing to do with the picture being posted (it had slipped my mind until recently), I want to thank Colin.