Hi all...new to the forum and newish to the world of kilts. I currently own a kilt bought out at the local renaissance festival a few years back, but I'm going to be buying a saffron kilt here shortly and was seeking the boards advice.

I'm looking for a saffron kilt, and I'd like to keep the kilt below $150. I've looked at the Amerikilt saffron and the Stillwater Standard Saffron kilt.

First off, is anyone else aware of any other options for saffron kilts in this price range?

I like both modern and traditional kilts, so that's not the deciding factor to me. What I'm hoping for is a well made kilt that will last, and hopefully not wrinkle constantly. I've read the Amerikilt saffron is a heavier material (10 oz.)...will that increase or decrease how easily it wrinkles.

Any opinions on the Stillwater standard kilts? I know they only come in one length, but that's the same length as my current kilt so I know it should work...although it is on the verge of being too long.

So...feel free to share your thoughts/guidance/advice. I'm planning on wearing the kilt casually around town as well as to band gigs at the renaissance festival.

