Quote Originally Posted by Pleater View Post
It is a bit delicate - a new advertiser has been accepted, and objected to.

Hopefully no harm will come of it and normality will be restored, but it might take some time for things to be resolved.

Just now, however, we are waiting, and watching.

Anne the Pleater :ootd:
Why? Because I had recently inquired about advertising for a web business I am developing. I was declined because I do not manufacture anything myself and there were concerns that I had no control over customer service. I did not argue. Ironically a couple folks who advertise here have ads showing on my site via my 10-year contract with Google for their AdSense product (which Steve had mentioned in another thread about new "advertising" here at X-Marks). We even have a page displaying Matt's House of Cheviot hose (via our affiliate agreement with Amazon). ;)

I have "back-burnered" the project a bit but what had been developed is already producing some revenue - albeit mostly from ads at this point.

Note to Steve: Google AdSense can be very lucrative.