Hi, I recently purchased pretty much the whole shebang from Hector Russell the last time I was in Edinburgh. I wanted to go for something that was flexible, like an Argyll and nice semi-dress sporran. Hector Russell currently throw in the jacket (not the waistcoat, unless you're getting a Prince Charlie) for free if you buy the rest of the aforementioned shebang. Anyway, it turns out that Hector Russell, who I think make their own jackets, have decided to drop the traditional Argyll style as part of their semi-formal offering by keeping the cuffs a non-Aryll-style fold over, one button affair. The reasoning being, they felt that traditional Argyll's lent more towards the Prince Charlie side, rather than something in the middle. This, to my knowledge, makes it a Crail. It was the first Crail I've seen that was black-wool with silver-square buttons; any others I've seen were tweed. It fitted well and looked good, nice waistcoat too, so I gave it the good to go.

What do you guys think of this kind of jacket as a flexible semi-formal choice?

Also on the subject of Crails, I would also like to ask why so many dealers, including reputable ones, market Braemars as Crails. As far as I have read, a Braemar features Prince Charlie-style cuffs, where as Crails feature less ornate cuffs than a standard Argyll.

Here is the only picture of the jacket I bought that I can get until my kilt is finished and gets sent to me.
