After learning to play bagpipes for a year and a half and I must say that is a journey. Putting on a kilt for the first time in public did not compare to the first time I played in front of the public... At Burns Night. Very nervous. Tried not to pass out from the fear and the hyperventilation. The journey seemed to go in these stages:
1) decide to by a book, chanter and pay for lessons.
2) show up to class not even knowing how to read music and think blowing the practice chanter is going to kill me
3) Four months later playing songs with no problem.
4) get my first bagpipes and cannot blow them for two seconds and begin to think I wasted time and money
5) six months later and I could enjoy playing two to three songs solo
6) thirteen months in instructor tells me to play solo at Burns night.
7)Now attempting to play in a pipe band witch means keeping time (very hard)
8) I hope to be like this one daylike I was when I first started.
That is what a journey looks like I guess.